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DashLX Solutions

Data-driven access & insights for consumer engagement.

Data Sharing

Facilitated Data Sharing between brand organizations and individual users.

We administer Data Programs on behalf of organizations like yours.
A Data Program enables you to develop better business intelligence and innovate upon a foundational source of truth: real-world, real-time, first-party data that is willingly and transparently shared by individuals.
Customer’s LX

Unlock the potential of your customer's Lived Experience

We Integrate and normalize disparate user data from a multitude of sources.
We structure, augment, and contextualize this user data, enriching it to curate highly valuable Lived Experience data.
Customer's LX Illustration ImageCustomer's Dash LX Feature IllustrationCustomer's Dash LX Feature Illustration

Partner with your Consumers to Problem Solve

Understand who your customers are, what they’re doing, and the problems they’re trying to solve:

We access data shared directly via a wide range of wearable devices.
We help you interpret the LX performance data from your consumers.
Dash LX Partners
Overlay important details like location and weather, and supplement, through user surveys and other important data.
Gain full understanding of customers and how to innovate and personalize products & services for them.
Use the DashLX data platform as a powerful basis for future innovations and engagement. Consumers connect directly with brands to inform and impact the innovation process.
Explore Case Studies

The DashLX Advantage

Build a community of enthusiastic, informed consumers who willingly share first-party data with organizations.
  • Consumers opt-in
  • GDPR compliant
  • Fully transparent
  • Mutual data sharing
Dash LX Advantage Image
Use Cases

LX Data Drives Outcomes

Product Development

Product Development

New Product Launch
Validate Target Markets
View Use Case
Sales and Ecommerce

Sales / Ecommerce

Customer Buying Experience
New Revenue Streams
Market Intelligence
View Use Case


Personalized Content Delivery
Consumer Engagement
View Use Case


Real-Time, Accurate Inputs
Large Scale Data Gathering
View Use Case

Impact of Integrating LX Data

25% Increase In Units Sold Per Transaction

Understand then communicate what else a member will need for their adventurous life

60% Open | 30% Click | 10% Conversion

Members will love consuming hyper personalized content about their lived experiences

50% Reduction In Per Customer Costs

Precise knowledge of member’s lived experience reduces costs of acquisition, retention & returns

"Data is dripping off us, capturing details of every second of every experience. And yet, people get nothing in return for that, brands are still guessing, market feedback / research is small scale and inefficient. We can use the details of today's LX to improve tomorrow's."

Adam Nash
Director of Product

Ready to get started?

Click below for more information on how to use LX Data to drive strategic initiatives across your organization.